(A) Offline Payment Method - Fund transfer via internet banking/ ATM/ CDM.
If your funds have been debited from your bank account or cash successfully transferred, kindly save or take a screenshot of the payment receipt as proof and contact our customer support via LiveChat immediately to claim the order payment. All manual transfer payments will need to contact our support team in order to proceed with order collection.
(B) Online Payment Method - PayPal, Credit/Debit Card, Cryptocurrency, E-wallets etc.
If payment was successfully deducted from your account and the SEAGM account under "My Orders" status was still unpaid/expired, here are the possible reason:
i. Payment appears as failed, known as Pre-Authorized payments.
Your bank authorized and places a temporary hold whilst pending to confirm the payment is either successful or failed on the merchant side. Once your payment is confirmed as unsuccessful by our LiveChat support, we assure you that the payment should be returned to you in a few days' time once your bank confirms the payment is deemed failed.
ii. Payment might be delayed in process, do check back after an hour or two.
iii. Uncaptured payment.
For uncaptured payment, the payment will be automatically processed if successfully passes through, however, it will be refunded back to your credit/debit card account if it's rejected on our system resulting in payment failure. For more information, do refer to our SEAGM Articles under the "Payments" section.
(C) Online Banking - Bank direct payment, FPX, Skrill etc.
If payment is successfully deducted from your account, but the status under the SEAGM account is still "unpaid/expired", kindly contact our Customer Support Team via LiveChat. Our team will check on the transaction and provide you with more information. You will be requested to provide a picture of the receipt, which can be either a PDF form or a screenshot.
Besides, certain bank payment methods might take a longer time to process, estimated will be within 1-3 working days. Users can contact our LiveChat support for further checking.
Thank you.
You may visit the SEAGM Support site for quick answers and guides.
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